Kamis, 25 Agustus 2022



Pada awalnya, soal bahasa Inggris dalam ujian seleksi masuk STAN terdiri dari beberapa bagian, yaitu Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary dan Structure dan usage. Namun saat ini, soal bahasa Inggris dalam USM STAN telah ditambah dengan soal mengenai idiom dan error recognition

       Bagian selanjutnya dari modul ini berisi tentang dasar teori yang memudahkan siswa menjawab soal-soal bahasa Inggris dalam USM STAN dilengkapi dengan soal latihan dari soal-soal bahasa Inggris USM STAN tahun-tahun sebelumnya.


Causative adalah kalimat menyuruh yang menggunakan have dan get sebagai kata menyuruh.



            + OBJ+VERB



Causative dibagi 2, yaitu:


1.   Active Causative


Kalimat menyuruh di mana subject menyuruh object melakukan pekerjaan.


                   have                        infinitive

Subject   +             + Object +

                    get                           to infinitive



§ I have him get some salt for me.

§ They had the boy do their homework.

§ She gets her sister to sweep the floor.

§ We will get him to send the package.


2.      Passive Causative


Kalimat menyuruh di mana subject menyuruh object dikenai pekerjaan.



Subject   +            + Object + Vb3




§ I get the report done.

§ The teacher had the exercise finished.

§ They have had the car fixed.


Jika suatu kalimat Causative diminta kata lain selain have dan get, maka kata-kata kerja yang bias digunakan adalah:


·   ask, want, tell, order force + Obj + to infinitive

·   let, make, bid + Obj + infinitive



§ I have the cake cut by my sister = I ask my sister to cut the cake = I make my sister cut the cake.

§ She had her secretary type the letter = She told her secretary to type the letter = She bid her secretary type the letter.



1.      Since her handwriting is very bad, we will have her _____ her composition.

(A)  types                         

(B)  type

(C)  typed                         

(D)  to type


2.      The customer had the shoes__before six oclock in the evening

(A)  deliver     

(B)  deliver

(C)  delivered

(D)  delivering


3.      “When do you want to have the flowers ____ to your house?”

(A)  to deliver                  

(B)  delivered

(C)  delivering                 

(D)  be delivered


4.      “We need to replace the glass in the picture.”

“We can go to the shop and _____ now.”

(A)  it’s being done

(B)  have it done

(C)  have done

(D)  it’s done


5.      “Even though he has seen a doctor, I can see that his condition is not improving.”

“______ a specialist then.”

(A)  Does he have

(B)  Have him see

(C)  He has seen

(D)  He too has seen


6.      “Now that she has grown up, my niece has her old dresses ____________.”

(A)         lengthen

(B)         to lengthen

(C)         lengthen

(D)        lengthened


7.      “I can’t read this letter. I don’t understand French at all.”

‘I don’t either, but let’s _____.”

(A)  have it translated

(B)  to translate it

(C)  have translated it

(D)  have to translate


8.      The boy has his homework _______ by his sister.

(A)  do                              

(B)  done

(C)  did                             

(D)  to do


9.      I don’t know how to translate this English text. I _________.

(A)  will have it translate

(B)  will have it translated

(C)  will translate it

(D)  will have translated it


10.  We get him ____________ the ball.

(A)  bring

(B)  bringing

(C)  to bring

(D)  brought 

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